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the speed and wavelength increase but the frequency stays the same

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1mo ago

When a sound wave passes from cool air to warmer air, its speed increases due to the higher temperature in the warmer air, resulting in a shorter wavelength. This increase in speed causes the frequency of the sound wave to remain constant, as frequency is determined by the source of the sound rather than the medium it travels through.

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Q: What happens to the speed wavelength and frequency when sound wave passes from cool air into warmer air?
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What happens to the particles of objects that are warmer?

When an object is warmer, its particles have higher kinetic energy and move faster. This increased movement causes the particles to spread out more, leading to the expansion of the object.

Why do colors have different temperatures?

Colors are associated with different temperatures based on their wavelength properties. Cool colors like blue and green are shorter in wavelength, giving them a colder feel. Warm colors like red and orange have longer wavelengths and are perceived as warmer. This temperature association is a result of how our eyes interpret light.

What happens when thermal energy is transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object?

When thermal energy is transferred from a warmer object to a cooler object, heat flows from the warmer object to the cooler object until they reach thermal equilibrium. This transfer of heat causes the warmer object to cool down and the cooler object to warm up until their temperatures become the same.

What color is in the middle spectrum?

The color green is considered to be in the middle of the visible light spectrum. It has a wavelength of around 520 nanometers, situated between the cooler colors (blue and violet) and the warmer colors (yellow, orange, and red).

What is the difference between orange and green light?

Orange light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency than green light. This gives orange light a warmer appearance compared to the cooler, more vibrant appearance of green light. Green light is also perceived by the human eye more easily than orange light.

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