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0.4 kg(3 m/s) + 0.8kg(-2 m/s) = 1.2 kg m/s -1.6 kg m/s = -0.4 kg m/s

-0.4 kg m/s = 1.2 kg(v) = (-0.4 kg m/s)/(1.2 kg) = v = -0.33 m/s

the cars are traveling at 0.33 m/s in the direction of the second car.

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3mo ago

The final velocity of the two cars will be in the direction of the heavier car. To find the final velocity, you need to apply the principle of conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision, considering the system as isolated. With this, you can calculate the final velocity of the combined mass after the collision.

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