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All waves in a vacuum move with the speed of light (3x108 m/s or 300000000 m/s if your not a fan of standard form), in air it is the same speed up til many decimal places

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1mo ago

The speed of a wave is determined by its frequency and wavelength, which are related by the equation v = f x λ (v is the wave speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength). To calculate the speed of a wave with a frequency of 10.0 Hz, you would need to know the wavelength of the wave as well.

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Q: What is the speed of a wave with the frequency of 10.0 Hz?
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What is the speed of a wave with a frequency of 0.2 Hz and a wavelength of 100 meters?

To find the speed of the wave, you can use the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. Given the frequency is 0.2 Hz and wavelength is 100 meters, you can calculate the speed of the wave as 0.2 Hz x 100 meters = 20 meters per second.

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The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its wavelength by its frequency. Therefore, the speed of the wave with a 0.2 Hz wavelength and 100 meters frequency would be 20 meters per second (0.2 Hz * 100 meters = 20 m/s).

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The frequency of the wave is equal to the speed of the wave divided by the wavelength. In this case, the frequency would be 10 Hz.

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The wavelength of a wave can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of wave / frequency. In this case, the wavelength would be 0.5 meters, as 50 m/s divided by 100 Hz equals 0.5 meters.

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Frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) = 900/9 = 100 Hz.

A certain wave has a wavelength of 35 meters and a frequency of 4.0 Hz What is the speed of the wave?

The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its wavelength by its frequency. In this case, the speed of the wave is 140 m/s (35 m * 4.0 Hz = 140 m/s).

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The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its wavelength by its frequency. In this case, the speed would be 340 m/s.

What can be your average speed of waves with a 3 Hz frequency?

The speed of a wave depends on the medium it travels through. In a general sense, the speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its frequency by its wavelength. If the frequency is 3 Hz, then the speed will be determined by the specific medium the wave is traveling through.

What is the wavelength of 0.5 Hz?

The wavelength of a wave is dependent on its speed and frequency. To calculate the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz, you need additional information such as the speed of the wave. Without knowing the speed, it is not possible to determine the wavelength.

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The speed of a wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = wavelength * frequency. Plugging in the values: speed = 0.60m * 240 Hz = 144 m/s. So, the speed of the wave is 144 meters per second.

A wave has a velocity of 300 ms and a wavelength of 3 m what is the frequency of wave?

The formula to calculate the frequency of a wave is frequency = velocity / wavelength. Plugging in the values, the frequency of the wave would be 100 Hz.

A wave with a frequency of 14 hz has a wavelength of 3 meters At what speed will this wave travel?

The speed of a wave is the product of its frequency and its wavelength.