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Speed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = 0.5 x 20 = 10m/sec

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1mo ago

The speed of a wave is given by the equation v = λ f, where v is the speed, λ is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. Plugging in the values, we get v = 0.5 m * 20 Hz = 10 m/s.

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Q: What is the speed of a wavelength of 0.5 m and a frequency of 20 Hz?
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A wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and a speed of 10 has a wavelength of?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency) = 10/0.5 = 20

What is the frequencey of a wave with the speed of 10 and wavelength 20?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 10/20 = 1/2

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Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 20/2 = 10 Hz

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The formula to calculate the frequency of a wave is: frequency = speed / wavelength. Plugging in the given values, the frequency of the wave would be 0.5 Hz.

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of 20 cm and a speed of 10 ms?

Convert the cm to meters, to have compatible units. Then use the fact that the frequency times the wavelength is equal to the speed of the wave. In this case, you can divide the speed by the wavelength, to get the frequency.

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The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its wavelength by its frequency. Therefore, the speed of the wave with a 0.2 Hz wavelength and 100 meters frequency would be 20 meters per second (0.2 Hz * 100 meters = 20 m/s).

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The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying its wavelength by its frequency. In this case, the speed would be 340 m/s.

1 The lowest pitch that the average human can hear has a frequency of 20.0 Hz What is the wavelength of the wave if it has a speed of 331 ms?

The wavelength of a wave is calculated as the speed of the wave divided by its frequency. In this case, the wavelength is 331 m/s divided by 20 Hz, which equals 16.55 meters.

If a wave has a frequency of 5.0 waves per second and the distance between the peaks of the wave is 20 cm. What is the speed of the wave?

The speed of the wave can be calculated using the formula speed = frequency x wavelength. In this case, the frequency is 5.0 waves per second and the distance between wave peaks (wavelength) is 20 cm. Therefore, the speed of the wave is 5.0 waves/s x 20 cm = 100 cm/s.

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Divide the speed by the frequency

What is the speed of a wave with a frequency of 0.2 Hz and a wavelength of 100 meters?

To find the speed of the wave, you can use the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. Given the frequency is 0.2 Hz and wavelength is 100 meters, you can calculate the speed of the wave as 0.2 Hz x 100 meters = 20 meters per second.

What is the wavelength of 20kHz?

The wavelength of a 20 kHz wave is approximately 15 meters in air. Wavelength can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = speed of sound / frequency.