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The term used to describe the ratio of force and the area on which it acts is called pressure. Pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied by the area over which it is distributed.

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Q: What is the term used to describe the ratio of force and the area on which it acts?
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What term describes the ratio of the force and the area on which it acts?

The term that describes the ratio of force to the area on which it acts is pressure. Pressure is commonly measured in units such as Pascals or pounds per square inch (psi).

What is the force that acts over a certain area?

Pressure is the force that acts over a certain area. It is defined as the amount of force applied perpendicular to a surface per unit area. The formula for pressure is pressure = force / area.

How is pressure related to the area over which force acts?

The area over which a force acts, is proportional to the pressure. When the area is large then, the pressure acted on it is also large, so the force is greater.

Pressure is a force defined as?

Pressure is a force defined as a push that acts over a certain area.

Is pressure greater if the force acts over a greater surfice?

No, pressure is not greater if the force acts over a greater surface area. Pressure is defined as force per unit area, so as the surface area over which the force is applied increases, the pressure decreases. This is because the same force is being distributed over a larger area.

A force of 1000n is exerted on piston 1 what will be exerted on piston 2?

If this is about a hydraulic system, same pressure acts through out the fluid. Take, A = cross sectional area (area normal to force) of piston 1 B = "" "" "" of piston 2 F2 = Force on 2nd piston So, pressure = 1000/A = F/B Therefore, F = (1000 X B/A ) N (The force depends on the area ratio)

Describe cell volume cell surface area ratio of surface area to volume?

Look in the book broseff.

Is pressure the amount of force that acts on a given area of an object?

Yes, pressure is the amount of force applied per unit area of a surface. It is calculated by dividing the force acting on an object by the area over which the force is distributed.

Is less pressure produced by decreasing the area a force acts on?

No. The opposite is true.

How does surface area describe a cell?

Surface area of cell is divided volume of cell to get surface to volume ratio . If surface area is 8 cm2 and volume is 2 cm2 . The ratio would be 4:1 .

What is the relationship between area and pressure of a constant force?

The area over which a force acts, is proportional to the pressure. When the area is large then, the pressure acted on it is also large, so the force is greater.

Describe what happens to the surface area to volume ratio for larger and larger cubes?

For a cube with edge length, L. Surface area = 6L2. Volume = L3. So ratio of Surface Area / Volume = 6 / L. Therefore, as the side length, L, increases, the ratio will decrease.