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Velocity = Distance/Time = 28/1.4 = 20 m/s

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1mo ago

The velocity of the soccer ball can be calculated as the distance divided by time, v=d/t. Thus, v=28 m / 1.4 s = 20 m/s.

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Q: What is the velocity of a soccer ball kicked into the goal that is 28 meters away and it arrives in 1.4 seconds?
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Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. To calculate the velocity of Rob on a skateboard, we need to know the distance he traveled in meters and the direction of his motion. If Rob travels 10 meters in 3 seconds, the velocity would be 10 meters/3 seconds = 3.33 m/s (assuming no change in direction).

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It is not possible to answer this question without the starting velocity.

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It's 60 divided by 5, Which is 12m/s east. Velocity is a vector for speed, since velocity has a direction and speed does not. Velocity has the SI units of meters per second. So you take the meters and divide by how many seconds to get your velocity.

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