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120 pounds

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9mo ago

A human bite can exert a pressure of around 150-200 pounds per square inch.

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Q: What pressure does a human bite have per square inch?
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What is the bite pressure of a hyena?

It's about 1,000lbs per square inch. A human bite by comparison is 120.

What is the jaw pressure of a lion?

The jaw pressure of a African lion bite is rated at about 600 pounds per square inch. By comparison, a human bite is about 120 pounds per square inch.A Lions bite force is approximately 700 lbs

What canine breed has the most bite pressure?

THis is false. I know that an English Mastiff has a bite pressure of 550-600 lbs. per sq. inch so it is much stronger then a doberman bite. that is not true also a rotweilers teeth is like a lions theire theet are thin but the strongest canine bite goes to the doberman theire theet are like a tigers strong and not thin . tigers bite force : 1250 per square inch lions bite force :680 per square inch rotweiler : 300 per square inch doberman : 340 per square inch so that's my point human : 60 - 120 per square inch hyena : 1000 per square inch wolverine:180 per square inch crocodile : 1500-3500 per square inch gorilla : 580 per square inch that's all i know

What dog breed have 48000 pounds bite pressure?

The Kangal dog breed has an estimated bite force of 743 psi (pounds per square inch), making it one of the strongest bite forces among dog breeds. However, it is important to note that bite pressure can vary depending on factors such as the individual dog's size and conditioning.

What is the pressure of a horses bite?

An average horse bites down with the pressure of 80,000 pounds per square inch.

How much pounds per square inch of pressure is in an average human hug?

An average human hug exerts about 10 pounds per square inch of pressure. This pressure can vary depending on the strength and duration of the hug.

Wolf per square inch bite pressure?

a wolf can a bite force if 800-2000 lbs depneds on the breed of wolf and the size

How much pressure can a crocodile bite put on?

The crocodile can put more than 5 000 pounds of pressure per square inch

How many pounds per square inch is applied when I bite?

The average human bite force is around 150-200 pounds per square inch. However, this can vary based on factors such as age, gender, and individual strength.

How much is the bite of the crocodile?

3000 pounds per square inch thats bone crushing jaw pressure

How many pounds of pressure per square inch can a snapping turtle bite?

A snapping turtle can bite with a force of over 1,000 pounds per square inch. This powerful bite is used to catch and consume prey, making snapping turtles formidable predators in their environment.

How much pressure per square inch is on human foot when going down stairs?

You can't say 'pressure per square inch. It's just 'pressure', which equals force per square inch. You divide the person's weight by the area of the foot in contact with the stairs to get the answer.