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This electromagnetic wave would be an X-ray, which has a wavelength in the range of 10^-10 meters and a frequency of 10^18 hertz. X-rays have high frequencies and short wavelengths, allowing them to pass through soft tissues but be absorbed by denser materials, making them useful for medical imaging.

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Q: What type of electromagnetic wave has a wavelength of approximately 10-10 meter and a frequency of 10-18 hertz?
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You can calculate frequency from wavelength using the equation: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 3.00 x 10^8 meters per second. By dividing this speed by the wavelength of light in meters, you can determine the frequency in hertz.

How do you find the wavelengths in meters of radiation what frequencies?

Wavelength x frequency = speed of the wave, so wavelength = speed / frequency. In SI units, wavelength (in meters) = speed (in meters/second) / frequency (in Hertz). If you are talking about electromagnetic waves in avacuum, use 300,000,000 m/s for the speed.

What is the wavelegnth with afrequency of 10 hertz?

The wavelength with a frequency of 10 hertz is 30 meters. This calculation can be done using the formula: Wavelength = Speed of light / Frequency.