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Acceleration is defined by physics as the rate of change of velocity over time.

a = dv/dt

As time changes, any change in velocity results in a change in acceleration.

That change can be positive or negative.

If you want to know why, its because acceleration and velocity are vectors.

A vector has a magnitude and a direction.

The magnitude is the value, and the direction refers to the direction the object is traveling.

An example when acceleration doesn't point in the same direction as velocity is when you throw a ball into the air.

You throw it up, so the initial velocity is in the upward direction.

However the acceleration due to gravity is downward.

It will slowly decrease the upward velocity of the ball until it is zero.

At that point the ball will start to fall downard and increase in velocity until it hits the ground.

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1mo ago

Slowing down of a moving object is considered a form of acceleration because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. When an object slows down, its velocity decreases, which means it is experiencing negative acceleration. Negative acceleration is still a form of acceleration because it involves a change in velocity over time.

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Explain why the slowing down of a moving object is considered to be a form of acceleration?

Acceleration is the change of velocity, with direction. Therefore slowing down is a change in veolcity, so is considered to be acceleration (just negative acceleration).

What is a moving object that has a velocity vector and acceleration vector in the opposite direction?

An object with a velocity vector and acceleration vector in opposite directions is a decelerating object. This means the object is moving in a specific direction but slowing down.

How can an object be accelerating if it's slowing down?

An object can be accelerating while slowing down if its velocity is changing in the opposite direction of its motion. When an object slows down, it means its velocity is decreasing, but if it is still moving in the positive direction, it is considered to have a negative acceleration.

When would acceleration be negative?

When a moving object is slowing down, i.e. its speed is decreasing.

Is the retardation means zero acceleration?

No, retardation refers to a negative acceleration, which means the object is slowing down. A zero acceleration means the object is moving at a constant velocity.

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Acceleration is negative if the object is slowing down or moving in the opposite direction of the velocity vector.

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The acceleration of the object is in the opposite direction of its velocity, so the acceleration is pointing southward.

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An object slowing down can have an acceleration that is not negative if it is moving in the opposite direction of its velocity. In this case, the acceleration would be in the same direction as the object's motion, even though it is slowing down. This can happen, for example, when an object is moving in the positive direction but experiencing a negative acceleration due to a force in the negative direction.

What are the 2 components of acceleration?

The two components of acceleration are magnitude (how fast an object is speeding up or slowing down) and direction (the way in which the object is moving).

5 Is it possible for an object to be slowing down while its acceleration is increasing in magnitude?

Yes, it is possible for an object to be slowing down while its acceleration is increasing if the object is moving in the opposite direction to the acceleration. This can occur if the object is experiencing a negative acceleration (deceleration) that is increasing in magnitude while its speed is decreasing.

When a moving object experiences a negative acceleration?

When a moving object experiences negative acceleration, it means that its velocity is decreasing over time. This could be due to the object slowing down, changing direction, or coming to a stop. Negative acceleration is commonly referred to as deceleration.

Is it possible for an object to be slowing down while it's acceleration is increasing in magnitude?

If the object is moving in a positive direktion along its x-axis and the acceleration is in the opposite direction (negative acceleration, i.e. retardation), then yes. Lets say the acceleration is -2 m/s^2 and its increasing with a magnitude of 2 then the new acceleration would be -4 m/s^2. Sure, the object was already slowing down but now its slowing down even more.