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hoe u cheating aernt u well then i can help u >:D but im not because i dont want too have fun being mad at me ;3

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Q: How many feets are between two oil palm trees?
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Related questions

Are there palm trees in Tasmania?

There are a large number of palms growing in Australia, many native, including the Foxtail Palm, Coconut Palm and the Kentia Palm (native to Lord Howe Island, between Norfolk Is and NSW).

What is the collective for palm trees?

The collective noun for palm trees is a grove of palm trees.

How many cells do palm trees have?


What do you call a net sprung between two trees usually palm trees that you can lay on?

A hammock

How many oil palm trees in 1 hectare?

120 to 130 trees

Is there palm trees in Maine?

No. There is not palm trees in the state of Maine. It's to cold for them.

What do palm trees eat What do palm trees use for food where do they live?

Well, palm trees do not eat, they use sunlight and nutrients found in dirt, soil, or sand to grow in their own respective environments. Palm trees are usually considered native to tropical areas, however this is not so, the Windmill palm tree actually lives in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. So in other words, palm trees can grow in many different climates and can adapt to many different conditions, including very harsh conditions. If you go to you can get more info in regards to palm trees. You can even get more information in regards to palm trees which can live in the snow!!! Good Luck : )

Do lagoons have palm trees?

No. Palm trees grow on land, not in the water.

Are palm trees Non-vascular or vascular?

All palm trees are vascular plants. Some palm trees bear fruit such as the coconut palm tree and the date palm tree.

What is on an island?

many palm trees, tropical wildlife, and beaches.,

Does palm trees grow on beaches in gulf port Mississippi?

yes we have many palm trees here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We have a subtropical climate which is ideal for many types of palms.

Are apricots grown on trees?

Peaches never grow on palm trees. Only coconuts and palm nuts grow from palm trees.