The normal size bags are 2 cu. ft.
Delivery companies will normally charge you by the cu. yard. = 27 cu ft.
There are 13.5 standard bags in a cu yard.
how many bags of mulch will i need 2 inches thick and 30 feet of ground ?
Depends on the size of the bag. BUT, typical bags of mulch at places such as Home Depot weigh about 40 pounds and contain 2 cubic feet of mulch.
The area of a circle is the product of the square of the radius squared and the number pi. The area of a semicircle is half the area of the corresponding circle. The diameter is twice the radius. Therefore, the area of this semicircle is pi(15/2)2/2 = 8 X 101 square feet, to the justified number of significant digits -- only one, since the value 6 has only one. At 6 square feet of mulch per bag, over 13 bags of mulch will be needed; therefore, 14 bags should be available.
You need (182/3) divided by (cubic feet of mulch in each bag) bags. I heard is selling $14 lb bags of Rubber Mulch! In all colors and the black ones are only $12! Each bag covers 13 square feet and 2 inches thick!
That's going to depend on how deep or shallow you spread it. If you spread it one foot deep, it covers an area of 2 square feet. If you spread it one inch deep, it covers an area of 24 square feet.
It depends on what the bag contains.
Packaged Mulch Tea Tree 50L Bag (covers approx 4m2) : BCSands Online Shop - Building and Landscape Supplies, we supply Sydney's best!
Well, gee, I think that would be 2 bags. But if you have found a bag that is 2 cubic yards, that is ONE HUGE BAG...Enough to fill the back of a pick-up truck. I think you better look into your phrasing, one cubic yard of mulch will cover 100 square feet, or an area that is 10' x 10'. IMPROVED ANSWER: I think you mean that 1 bag of mulch will cover 2 cubic feet. That's the standard bag sold at Lowes & Home Depot. 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet (3'x3'x3'=27). Therefore 4 cubic yards is equal to 108 cubic feet. You would need 54 bags (108/2=54).
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet 4 cubic yards = 108 cubic feet Since each bag contains 2 cubic feet of mulch, the required number of bags is 108/2 which is 54