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A pond that is ten acres or more in size is called a lake. This classification is based on the size of the water body, with ponds typically being smaller in size compared to lakes.

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Q: A pond that is ten acres or more in size is called a?
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Continue Learning about Political Science

Why do some states have more senators?

In the United States Senate, each state is represented by two senators regardless of population size. This is a result of the Great Compromise reached during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, which aimed to create a balance between states with differing populations.

What plan did South Carolina believe in New Jersey plan or Virginia Plan?

South Carolina supported the Virginia Plan, which proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on population size. This plan favored larger states like South Carolina, as it would give them more influence in the national government compared to the New Jersey Plan, which called for equal representation for all states.

What is the process of setting up new congressional districts after reapportionment called?

The process of setting up new congressional districts after reapportionment is called redistricting. It involves redrawing the boundaries of congressional districts to ensure each district has roughly the same population size based on the latest census data.

Why do legislative districts vary so much in size?

Legislative districts vary in size due to the principle of "one person, one vote," which requires equal representation for all residents. In areas with rapidly growing populations, districts may become larger to accommodate the increased number of residents. Additionally, redistricting processes, gerrymandering, and political considerations can also influence the size of legislative districts.

Why are some constituencies small in area while others are very big?

Constituencies can vary in size due to several factors such as population density, geography, and historical boundaries. In more densely populated urban areas, constituencies tend to be smaller in size to ensure representation for a similar number of constituents. Whereas in rural or sparsely populated areas, constituencies may cover a larger geographic area to account for the lower population density.

Related questions

What is the size of Walden Pond?

Walden Pond is 61 acres. It is the lake that Thoreau made famous

How much are ponds?

The international Ramsar wetland convention sets the upper limit for pond size as 8 hectares (19.768 acres), but biologists have not universally adopted this convention. Researchers for the British charity Pond Conservation have defined a pond to be 'a man-made or natural waterbody which is between 1 m2 and 20,000 m2 in area (2 ha or ~5 acres), which holds water for four months of the year or more.' Other European biologists have set the upper size limit at 5 ha (12.355 acres).

What size pond to hold 3 acre feet of water?

To hold 3 acre-feet of water, you would need a pond that is approximately 3 acres in size with a depth that allows for 3 feet of water. The exact dimensions will depend on the shape of the pond.

Size of Scotland in acres?

Scotland is approximately 19 million acres in size.

How much water is needed to fill a pond 5m deep?

More information is needed in order to answer this question. The size of the pond, preferably in square meters.

Where can I buy a new pond pump?

If you go to the Pond Store on fifth Avenue you can buy a great Pond Pump there. The cost depends on the size of the pump you are buying. The bigger the pump, the more expensive it will be.

What is size of Yorkshire?

Size is 2,941,947 acres

How big are wildfires?

Wildfires can vary in size from a few acres to hundreds of thousands of acres. Some of the largest wildfires on record have burned millions of acres. Size can depend on factors such as weather conditions, fuel availability, and firefighting efforts.

What kind of pond pump would be appropriate for a 200 gallon koi pond?

The best kind of pond pump for a two hundred gallon koi pond is an alpine pond pump. This would work best for this size pond because of it's size and power.

This is a picture of a body of freshwater that is surrounded by land. It is similar to a pond but is larger in size. What is this body of water called?


How does one choose a pond deicer?

There are several pond deicer options available for someone to purchase. Depending on the size of the pond or water source a person wants the pond deicer for, the size would make a difference.

How may farming be said to be governed by economy of scale?

The average size of farms between 1997 and 2002 grew from 431 acres to 441 acres, and the number of farms with 2,000 acres or more grew from 74,426 to 78,037.