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In 2014, the percentage of people who were eligible to vote varied by country. It is calculated by taking the number of eligible voters divided by the total population of voting age, usually expressed as a percentage.

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Q: What percentage of people can vote in 2014?
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In 1787, only white male property owners were allowed to vote in the United States. This meant that the percentage of the population eligible to vote was very low, estimated at around 6% to 10%.

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Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.Yes, people can vote in Oman.