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The mandate system of the League of Nations, established by the treaties ending World War I. Under this system, the victors of World War I were given responsibility for governing former German and Ottoman territories as mandates from the League. The ultimate goal was development of each mandate toward eventual independence.

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Q: What does mandate system mean?
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What happened to Ottoman territory in the Middle East after World War 1?

It was divided between Britain and France through the mandate system.

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In law, a mandate is an order or authoritative command handed down from a leader or judge. A mandate from God is the same.

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is a mandate system

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A constitutional mandate can mean a few different things. A constitutional mandate is usually something that must be upheld due to it's stating so in the constitution.

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Divine mandate is a term that means an objective or set of objectives are backed by a deity or set of deities.

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Mandate system

What were the main powers of the middle east mandate system?

Britain and France were the main powers of the Middle East Mandate System, with the territories coming from areas formerly under Ottoman Control (prior to World War I).

How might the creation of the mandate system affect the map of Africa after World War 1?

Africa was given orders to give up their land for the govenment, which is a mandate

What was the mandate system .and why did it leave many groups feeling betrayed?

Following WWI, the League of Nations established a system of "Mandates." In theory, the Mandate system had the benevolent intention of preparing the "natives" of various regions for self government. In practice, the granting of mandates often represented nothing more than the granting of spoils to the different victorious allied governments. The basis of the mandate system was Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which gave broad authority to the mandate powers regarding preparation for self-rule.

When a new president argues that he has a mandate what does that mean?

Generally speaking when a President is elected as president, and he has made promises he takes those promises as a "mandate" of the people to do (or complete) that promise.In this context "Mandate" is the will of the people expressed in their support of his election.

Why did the mandate system leave many groups feeling betrayed?

your mom caused it sorry