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An disadvantage would be that behaviours may be missed when writing down the behaviours observed in the set time. Or it may be hard to remember all the behaviours that occured in the set time.

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4mo ago

Advantages of time sampling include easy implementation, reduced observer bias, and the ability to capture a wide range of behaviors over an extended period. However, it may miss brief but significant events, may not capture continuous behavior patterns, and can be time-consuming to analyze due to the need for coding intervals.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of time sampling?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal studies?

Advantages are: 1. high in validity - people usually do not remember past events and if they were asked about their past, they would not remember 2. picking up long-term changes Disadvantages are: 1. it takes a long period of time to gather results 2. a need to have a large sample size and accurate sampling to reach representativness 3. participant may drop out, this is called subject attrition.

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