People who may feel they are not as smart or strong as others may try to compensate by working harder, seeking help from others, or focusing on developing different strengths or skills. It's important for them to remember that everyone has their own unique talents and abilities, and that success is not solely defined by intelligence or physical strength.
Crying can be a natural and healthy way for boys to express their emotions, releasing pent-up feelings and stress. It does not necessarily make them weaker; rather, it can be a sign of emotional strength and resilience to acknowledge and process their emotions. It is important to provide support and understanding for boys to feel comfortable expressing their feelings in a healthy way.
may be because the bully feels weak and must show some strength by bothering others or they may have low self-esteem and may want to pick on someone that is weaker for attention.or it may be because the bully dose not like the person because of there size, looks, personality or there coulour.
The best opportunity to exploit people is to first appear it is you who is weaker than them. I had a mental breakdown due to Post tramatic stress and people often mis read my symptoms as something else. As soon as they took advantage of this they would be reminded in a more subtle way (quietness) that they were wrong. The outcome of this for me was laughter and ultimate humiliation on their part, plus the feeling of power knowing I could hide my weaknesses and exploit theirs. People fear those that are genuine and have nothing to hide, usually the quiet observant ones. They are the ones that can see through people where others don't. But exploitation is bad, and if it becomes too obvious it will backfire. However I can easily switch my problems immediately onto someone else. My weaknesses as it seems can be hidden away and be completely genuine, but mentally I am very, very strong. Good Luck, but don't target those that are nice, poor, genuine and those with problems.
Using thoughts to conquer others is unethical and manipulative. It is important to treat others with respect and kindness, rather than seeking to control or dominate them through manipulation or deceit. Healthy relationships are built on trust, communication, and mutual understanding.
No, women are not mentally weaker than men. While there are some women that may be weaker, there are also some men that are weaker than the average woman.
There are two reasons why the southern economy grew weaker. One was the south had very little manufacturing capability and they had about 29 percent of the rail tracks and about 13 percent national banking.
Not all, but some do feel weaker with a loss of energy.
yes, because people with athsma have trouble breathing so their immune system gets weaker.
About 17 percent stronger (it's more massive).
The acid in the soda can wear down the enamel on your teeth, making them weaker .
It really does depend.But weaker than the average male for sure.
A shorter guy is just physically weaker and unfortunately society has this idea of bigger is better.
no bald eagles are weaker than people
Injury and death to people. Wreckage to the environment and a weaker economy.
lazy boy
people thought they were weaker