i think you should consider looking into the best schools right now because if this kid gets the grades I think he/she are getting, you might not have to spend as much as you think to send him/her to college. Enjoy the savings! Good Luck! That's higher than Einstein's score.
Yes, having an IQ of 159 at 11 years old is considered very high. It indicates exceptional intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Keep nurturing your intellect through education and challenges that stimulate your mind.
Yes, an IQ of 135 is considered very good for anyone, regardless of age or gender. It indicates above average intelligence and cognitive abilities.
An IQ score of 69 falls in the range that is considered as very low intellectual functioning. Individuals with this IQ score may face challenges with tasks that require cognitive abilities. It is important to seek professional guidance for a more comprehensive understanding and support.
IQ isn't relative to age. 100 is the precise mean (by definition of IQ) for anyone; the range 95 - 110 could be considered normal. Anything above 125 is quite good.
Yes, an IQ of 152 is considered very high for a 16 year old girl. This score would place her well above average intelligence level.
Yes, that is well above average and genius level. A person with an IQ between 90 and 110 is considered average.
i do not know if this is true but it is estimated that his IQ is 180!
Lot of people claim that Einstein had an IQ of 180+. This is not true. The fact is that Einstein never took IQ test, hence his IQ is unknown. But Biographical study made later on suggested that his IQ might be in the range 160-180...
James Woods has an IQ of around 180.
180 or above
That is extremely good and very high. The average is 100, plus or minus 10 points.
yes, 146 is very good. The average American IQ is 98, and the cut-off for genius is said to be anywhere between 136 and 180, so for a 12 year old that is very good.
100th percentile. 180+
Example of an IQ scale: IQ Intelligence grade over 140 excellent 120-139 very good 110-119 good 90-109 average, normal talent 80-89 low 70-79 very low under 69 extremely low Alberts was 160 or 180
An IQ of 124 is a good IQ.