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Mere exposure


Physical attractiveness

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9mo ago

The four factors that underlie interpersonal attraction are proximity, similarity, physical attractiveness, and reciprocity. These factors play a significant role in determining why individuals are drawn to others in social situations.

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Q: What are the four factors that underlie interpersonal attraction?
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What are the four main factors that affect personality and their meaning?

The four main factors that affect personality are genetics (inherited traits), environment (external influences), upbringing (family dynamics and early experiences), and experiences (life events and interactions). These factors interact to shape an individual's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, contributing to their unique personality traits and characteristics.

Explain the johari window as a conceptual model for studying interpersonal awareness and discuss its relevance in an organizational set up?

The Johari Window is a model that represents four quadrants of self-awareness: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. In an organizational setting, it helps individuals and teams understand themselves and others better, fostering clearer communication, trust, and collaboration. By increasing the open area (what is known to self and others) through feedback and disclosure, the organization can enhance interpersonal relationships, decision-making, and overall effectiveness.

Basic forces in the biopsychosocial framework?

The Four Basic Forces of the Biopsychosocial Framwork: 1. Biological - the genetic code of an individual. 2. Psychological - focus on cognitive, emotional, personality, perceptual, spiritual, and related factors that effect the development of an individual. 3. Sociocultural - focus on how an individual interacts with their environment. The effects that culture, societal, interpersonal interactions, and ethnic variations have on an individual. 4. Life-Cycle - focuses on how the same event can have very drastically different effect on an individual depending on what stage of life or age the person is. (Imagine - Becoming Pregnant. It is much different for a 30 year old woman who is happily married, financially secure, etc. than it is for a 14 year old girl who accidentaly becomes pregnant.)

What are the four main factors in the communication process?

The four main factors in the communication process are sender, message, channel, and receiver. The sender is the person or entity initiating the communication, the message is the information being conveyed, the channel is the medium through which the message is transmitted, and the receiver is the person or entity receiving the message.

What are the four personality types in the California Personality Inventory?

The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) includes the following four primary personality types: Dominance, Achievement, Sociability, and Emotionality. These types are used to assess individual differences in behavior, attitudes, and interpersonal relationships.