Superfluidity is a state of matter in which it behaves like a fluid with zero viscosity. While originally this phenomenon was discovered in liquid helium, recently it finds applications not only in the theory of liquid helium but also in astrophysics, high-energy physics and theory of quantum gravity. The phenomenon is related to the Bose-Einstein condensation but not identical: not all Bose-Einstein condensates can be regarded as superfluids and not all superfluids are Bose-Einstein condensates.
In liquid helium the superfluidity effect was discovered by Pyotr Kapitsa and John F. Allen.
The idea that superfluidity exists inside neutron stars was first proposed by Arkady Migdal
An example of the id is immediate gratification of desires without considering consequences. The ego balances the id's desires with reality and societal norms. The superego represents internalized moral standards and ideals learned from caregivers and society.
The super-ego is the part of the mind that acts as a moral compass or internal set of rules. For example, you could say, "Her super-ego guided her decision to help others even when it may have been easier to prioritize her own needs."
A child's super ego may present itself when they follow rules to gain approval from authority figures, such as listening to their parents without questioning. For instance, a child may feel guilty if they break a rule or go against their parents' wishes, showing their internalization of societal norms and values.
This particular symbol is commonly used to represent gender fluidity, with the red box representing people who identify as female, the two pink rectangles representing people who identify as male, and the combination indicating a blending or fluidity of gender identities. It is a visual representation of inclusion and support for individuals who do not conform to traditional gender binaries.
She finds out many things from Justin that shock her. For example, that the rats are super-intelligent, super-strong, civilized, escaped from NIMH and have built elevators, lights, carpet, elegant landscape, etc. in a dang rat hole!
Example sentence - He spoke with such fluidity we stayed to listen to his speech again.
Examples of fluidity include water flowing in a river, gases expanding to fill a container, and people moving smoothly through a crowded space. Fluidity refers to the ability of a substance or system to flow and change shape easily.
if basicity increases,fluidity decreases
Fluidity - video game - happened in 2010.
Cholesterol helps regulate membrane fluidity by interacting with the fatty acid tails of phospholipids in the cell membrane. It can decrease fluidity at high temperatures and increase fluidity at low temperatures, maintaining the stability and flexibility of the membrane.
Fluidity - video game - was created on 2010-12-06.
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Superfluidity is a state of matter in which a liquid flows with zero viscosity, meaning it has no resistance to flow. This unique property occurs when certain liquids, such as helium-4, are cooled to very low temperatures near absolute zero. Superfluids can also display other fascinating behaviors, such as the ability to flow up walls and through tiny openings.
Yes, the fluidity of a certain drug can affect the effectiveness of that particular drug.
Some moderators of membrane fluidity are the proteins embedded in it and cholesterol molecules also.
The opposite of fluidity is rigidity. It refers to the state of being stiff, inflexible, or not easily changeable.