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The psychological term for repeating bad behaviors is "maladaptive behavior." This refers to actions or patterns that are harmful, counterproductive, or self-defeating, often due to underlying psychological issues or maladaptive coping mechanisms.

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Q: What is the psycological term for repeating bad behaviors?
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Is peer pressure good or bad?

Peer pressure can influence you to do either good or bad things, depending on what your peers are pressuring you to do! However, whenever peer pressure is the only motivation for your actions, it's a bad thing because it's preventing you from thinking for yourself and making your own choices.

What is bad behavior?

Bad behavior refers to actions that are considered socially unacceptable or harmful. This can include behaviors such as cheating, lying, aggression, disrespecting others, and breaking laws or rules. These behaviors can impact relationships, society, and one's own well-being.

Is alcoholism a result of bad genes or bad behaviors?

Alcoholism is influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. While genetics can play a role in predisposing individuals to alcoholism, behaviors such as excessive drinking also contribute to the development of alcohol use disorder. It is important to address both genetic factors and behaviors in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism.

Where does Walter learn what it means to be a bad boy?

Walter learns what it means to be a bad boy from his friends, peers, or influences in his environment who may exhibit behaviors or attitudes associated with being a bad boy. He may observe or imitate their actions and adopt a similar identity or persona.

Why do some people became naughty and bad?

There are various factors that can influence a person's behavior, such as upbringing, environment, genetics, mental health, and personal experiences. It's often a combination of these factors that can lead someone to engage in naughty or bad behaviors. It's important to remember that individuals who exhibit such behaviors may be struggling with their own challenges and may benefit from understanding and support.

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Why is a rifle bad?

It is an object. It can't be bad or good. Those are behaviors of humans.

What is negative behavior?

Negativebehavior is behaviors that are bad or naughty.

Bad behaviours of teachers?

If teachers are exhibiting bad behaviors, they will be disciplined by the principal or district.

What should someone do if their cat has bad behavior?

The best thing to do when you cat has bad behaviors is to adjust the behavior. Start by working with ones vet. Alter the environment that may be causing the behaviors and have patience.

What is health inhibiting behaviors?

Health inhibiting behaviors is a nice way to refer to bad habits. These are things like smoking and drinking.

Can attention deficit disorder be caused from bad parenting and learned behaviors?

No, but ADD-like behaviors can manifest as a result of PTSD that can result from abuse an neglect.

What are appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in children?

inapropriate would be going on bad websites, asking bad questions and touching themselves in bad places! beware!

What are the behaviors of people that have bad mental health?

People with bad mental health could not study well, sleep well, or have brain problems.

What are the behaviors of lions?

they are pretty bad if you try to mess with them all animals was born with a tool to protect them

What is the most effective way of changing behaviors?

I assume you mean bad behaviors. I would suggest wearing a shock collar and hitting the button every time you get a negative impulse or thought.

Job description of telemarketer?

people's attitude, hang ups, repeating the same thing, bad pay