Imagine 0.67 as a percentage of one hundred to make this easiest.
1.00 is equal to 10*0.01. 0.67 is equal to 67*0.01
So, 0.67 is equal to 67/100 or 67%. This cannot be reduced further because that would require division by 100's factors, either 2, 5, 4,or 10. 67 can be divided by none of them.
This works for any two-digit decimal.
0.12=12/100. 12/4=3,100/4=25. So, it becomes 3/25.
.067 = 67/1000 which cannot be reduced further.
67/1 To make any whole number a fraction, put it over 1.
Multiply by a number to make 0.067 whole. I choose 1000, giving 67/1000.
It is 72067, of course!
60 and 7
about 2 and a three quarters laps.