If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
10 = ten
.09 would equal 9/100 because decimals always equal the number the decimal is over 10 to the power of the number of digits behind the decimal point. For example, .3 would equal 3/10 because there is only one digit, but .3829 would equal 3829/10000 because there are four digits.
Decimal is a way of representing numbers, it is no a measure of anything. There is no such thing as 10 decimals. It is like asking how many feet in 10 counts or in 10 fractions.
It is 10.
1012 (10 to the power 12)
10 to the 2 power is the same as 10 x 10 which = 100. 1.5 x 100 = 150
Power Golf was created on 2007-10-09.
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
It is 10.
A strategy for finding the quotient when you divide a number by a power of 10 greater than 1 by actually if you put them in decimals: 1/10=0.10 1/100=0.01 So the then 10 is bigger than 10.
10 = ten
.09 would equal 9/100 because decimals always equal the number the decimal is over 10 to the power of the number of digits behind the decimal point. For example, .3 would equal 3/10 because there is only one digit, but .3829 would equal 3829/10000 because there are four digits.
Decimal is a way of representing numbers, it is no a measure of anything. There is no such thing as 10 decimals. It is like asking how many feet in 10 counts or in 10 fractions.