1120% expressed as a decimal is 11.2
985 / 1120 = 0.879464Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.879464 * 100 = 87.95%
Move the decimal in both numbers 1 spot to the right. 112 becomes 1120 and 8.40 becomes 84 Then, you can divide 1120 by 84 is 13.333 (repeating decimal) The reason you can do the first step is because you are multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 10, which is the same as multiplying them by one.
1120/5 = 224
30/100 * 1120 = 336
1120% in decimal form is 11.2
1120% expressed as a decimal is 11.2
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the big math questions! So, like, 1120 as a decimal is just 1120. I mean, it's already a whole number, so no need to get all fancy with decimal points and stuff. Just keep it simple, you know?
63 11/20 = 63.55
2 11/20 = 2.55
985 / 1120 = 0.879464Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.879464 * 100 = 87.95%
Move the decimal in both numbers 1 spot to the right. 112 becomes 1120 and 8.40 becomes 84 Then, you can divide 1120 by 84 is 13.333 (repeating decimal) The reason you can do the first step is because you are multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 10, which is the same as multiplying them by one.
It is: 1120
30/100 * 1120 = 336
1120/5 = 224