There can be no equivalence. An ounce is a measure of mass. A millilitre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. If the question had been about fluid ounces instead of ounces, or if the question had been about milligrams instead of millilitres, it would have been possible to convert but the question was not either one of those - or other valid versions.
In the US, 1 fl oz = 29.574 ml and so 12 fl oz = 12*29.574 = 355 ml, approx.
354.88 ml 1 ounce = 29.57 ml 1 ml = 0.03 ounce
12 oz is approximately 355 ml. (Real Amount is 354.88235625 ml)
1.25 oz is approximately equal to 37.5 ml.
About 0.0338 fluid ounces in one mL
1.7 oz is equal to 50 ml.
Approximately 1478.68 mL equal 50 oz.
12 oz. = 355 mL S 12 mL
Five mL = about 0.169 fluid ounces.
One fluid ounce = about 29.6 mL
12 fl oz is 354ml of beer...cheers! :-)
1 milliliter (ml) is equal to approximately 0.03 fluid ounces (oz).