The Eisenhower Dollar is a $1 coin issued by the United States government from 1971-1978 (not to be confused with the Eisenhower commemorative dollar of 1990, or the Presidential $1 Coin Program, which will feature Eisenhower in 2015). The Eisenhower Dollar followed the Peace Dollar and is named for General of the Army and President Dwight David Eisenhower, who appears on the obverse. Both the obverse and the reverse of the coin were designed by Frank Gasparro.The Eisenhower dollar was the last dollar coin to contain a proportional amount of base metal to lower denominations; it has the same amount of copper-nickel as two Kennedy half dollars, four Washington Quarters, or ten Roosevelt dimes. Because of this, it, like its predecessors, had a cumbersome and excessively large size, leading to their short time in circulation and replacement by the smaller, but even less popular, Susan B. Anthony dollar in 1979.
None of the Eisenhower dollars regardless of date or mintmark struck for general circulation have more than face value. Only proof and uncirculated collectors coins sold from the Mint have premiums
Morgan and Peace dollars - 26.7 gm Eisenhower dollars - 22.7 gm SBA, Sacagawea, and Presidential dollars - 8.1 gm
There were no US silver dollars struck in 1970. Silver was removed from all circulating US coinage in 1965 and the Eisenhower dollar (which contained no silver but was the same size as the old silver dollars) wasn't first struck until 1971.
A 1776-1976 no proof quarter dollar worth in 2012
An Eisenhower half dollar weighs about 11.34 grams.
Eisenhower is on the dollar coin.
The Eisenhower Dollar.
Click on the link named "Eisenhower Dollar" and it will show a picture of the Eisenhower Bicenetennial Dollar.
One dollar.
One dollar.
Eisenhower was on the one dollar coin, and it's worth one dollar.
Eisenhower has never been on the half dollar just dollar coins, look at the coin again and post new question
If you mean a coin? The 1972 dollar coin is an Eisenhower dollar.
One dollar.
One dollar.