A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 1920, exactly as in the question.
19/20 is equal to 0.95 in decimal form. 1920 is already written in decimal form.
It is already written in decimal form.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 1920, exactly as in the question.
19/20 = 0.95
1920%. You take the decimal and u move the decimal point of two place values to the right and add a percent sign *If there is nothing in the last space when u move over the decimal point add a zero in it's place. ex. 19.2 = 1920%
1920 = 1 x 1920 1920 = 2 x 960 1920 = 3 x 640 1920 = 4 x 480 1920 = 5 x 384 1920 = 6 x 320 1920 = 8 x 240 1920 = 10 x 192 1920 = 12 x 160 1920 = 15 x 128 1920 = 16 x 120 1920 = 20 x 96 1920 = 24 x 80 1920 = 30 x 64 1920 = 32 x 60 1920 = 40 x 48
30% of 1920 = 30% * 1920 = 0.3 * 1920 = $576.00
1920 1920
George LeRoi Clarke has: Performed in "The Goof" in 1920. Performed in "Tacks and Taxes" in 1920. Performed in "The Under Dog" in 1920. Performed in "Yap" in 1920. Performed in "The Fowl Bird" in 1920. Played George in "The Instructor" in 1920. Performed in "The Cop" in 1920. Performed in "The Snip" in 1920. Performed in "The Blue Jay" in 1920. Played George in "Pussyfoot" in 1920. Performed in "The Lady Bug" in 1920.
Matrimaniacs - 1920 was released on: USA: March 1920 USA: 23 March 1920
The Shootin' Fool - 1920 was released on: USA: 23 October 1920