Simple answer: Your 1989 silver dollar is a one ounce bullion coin made of pure silver, the value as of today (10-10-10) is $23.22
NOTE: Precious Metals Spot Pricing changes by the minuteduring marketplace trading.
pi is not a question so there was no answer to pi - in 1989, before 1989 or since.pi is not a question so there was no answer to pi - in 1989, before 1989 or since.pi is not a question so there was no answer to pi - in 1989, before 1989 or since.pi is not a question so there was no answer to pi - in 1989, before 1989 or since.
2017 - 1989 = 28
Calendar for 1989 can be found in
1989 was 23 years ago.
There is no such thing as a 1989 $1 Silver Certificate.
Better tell that to the US Mint as I am holding one in my hand as we speak.
No, but there are "Walking Liberty" American Silver Eagle coins.
Please rephrase question.
Current value is about $29.00 dollars.
It can be worth about $35 - $50. It depends on the condition.
The current spot price of silver is about $14/oz. 10-07-10 current spot of silver is $22.59 at 12:46pm.
With those dates, the coins are Silver Eagle bullion coins that are made from one ounce of silver and value is whatever the spot price of silver is at time of sale.
The proof and uncirculated versions of this coin are both valued at $15.00 each.
The 1989 American Silver Eagles were issued as Proof and Uncirculated. Today the proof coin has an average market value of $25.00, uncirculated is $23.00.
silver dollars are no longer made by the US mints. (Philadelphia and Denver.) today presidential gold dollars are used, not silver dollars. the reason for this is because the most recent silver dollar looked like a quarter. The most recent silver dollar made by the US mints was called The Susan B. Anthony Silver Dollar. Its name is self explanatory on who is on the front of it, Susan B. Anthony.
dollar price to afghani in 1989