it is like when you have a number you use that number to make it bigger
To estimate the number of digits in a tetration you have to use the modulus value.
If you can use decimals, then the smallest number would be 0.8765321. But if you can't use decimals, then it would be 10235678.
If you have to use all four digits - 1349. If you can use them in a sum 9-4-3-1 = 1
The number 202.45 has five significant digits.
If you have to use all five digits... 20356
The sum is 22 times the sum of the three digits.
543,210. If you can use them all multiple times, then it is 555,555.
Other than its general uses in math classes. The most important use is encryption. When you have information that you are encrypting you embed into a "very" large number. (the bigger the number the better the encryption) Then the key to unlocking that encryption is the prime factors of that "very" large number. By "very" large number I mean numbers with more than 1,000,000,000 digits since the largest "known" prime number is around 50,000,000 digits
RoundUp function returns a number rounded up to a specified number of digits. (Rounds away from 0.)Syntax: RoundUp( number, digits )number = number to round updigits = number of digits to round the number up to
The largest number you could make with ONLY the digits 2, 6, and 4, assuming the use of exponents, is 2 to the power of 4 to the power of 6 = 2^(4^(6)) = 24096 this equals 1.044 X 101233 Without the use of exponents or additional symbols, the largest number you could make would of course be 642.