

Best Answer

[org 0x0100]

mov ax,6 ; load first number in ax

add ax,6 ; accumulate sum

add ax,6

add ax,6

add ax,6

add ax,6

mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program

int 0x21


Another way:

[org 0x0100] ; This is a .com file, not an .exe. DOS .com files start at 100h (256 decimal), have no stack segment, are no larger than 64k, and the code and data segments must be the same.

xor ax, ax ;zero register

mov cx, 6 ;put 6 in counter register for loop instruction


add ax,6 ; accumulate sum

loop start ; decrements cx and serves as conditional jump to start label.

mov ax, 0x4c00 ; terminate program

int 0x21

(I rarely terminated DOS programs this way using the DOS termination service (int 21h, ah=4ch). Usually, terminating with RetN was enough.)

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