It is 730 or 731 days, depending on whether or not a leap year is included.
if it's not a leap year, the answer is 427 days
52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).52 (and 2 days).
365/2= 182.5 days
If neither years is a leap year, 735 days = 2 years, 5 days. If either is a leap year, it is 2 years, 4 days.
260 days.
you divide 366 by 2 and you get 183 days that is half of a leap year
There are 182.625 days in half year.
There are 4 days in a year,and 3 or 2 days left.
365 total days in a year/2= 183 odd days.
December 31 is 243 days after May 2 of the same year.
730 days because there are 365 days in 1 year. So 365 days plus another 365 days equals 730.
180 days per year, per parent on a 2 year average.
A leap year has 52 weeks and 2 days.
Depends on whether it's leap year or not. But in general it's 365 days per year and therefore, 730 days in 2-years.
52 weeks and 2 days. Every year has exactly 52 weeks in it plus either 1 or 2 days depending on whether it's a leap-year or not !
730 = 365 + 365
In the year 1984 there were 52 weeks and 2 days.