The percentage change from 320 to 542 is: +69.375%
percentage = 26.5625% rate:= 85/320 * 100%= 0.265625 * 100%= 26.5625%
240 as a percentage of 800 = 100*240/800 = 30%
300 as a percentage of 800 = 100*300/800% = 300/8% = 37.5%
The percentage change from 320 to 542 is: +69.375%
36 out of 320 is 8.125%
percentage = 26.5625% rate:= 85/320 * 100%= 0.265625 * 100%= 26.5625%
240 as a percentage of 800 = 100*240/800 = 30%
40 x 20 = 800 40 x 8 = 320 20 x 3 = 60 8 x 3 = 24 800 + 320 + 60 + 24 = 1204 28 x 43 = 1204
300 as a percentage of 800 = 100*300/800% = 300/8% = 37.5%
To express 800 as a percentage, you would divide 800 by the total possible value (which is 1000 in this case) and then multiply by 100. So, 800 divided by 1000 equals 0.8. Multiplying 0.8 by 100 gives you 80%. Therefore, 800 can be expressed as 80% in percentage form.
It is 75%
800 miles/2.5hours = 320 mph