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A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A single live sperm is enough - if it reaches the female gamete. However, not all sperm reach the end of their journey, therefore, a larger amount of live sperm increases the probability of a pregnancy.

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