1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54cm So multiply 42 by this and you get 106.68cm
if you are 36 inches tall you are 3 feet tall!
150 cm is equal to 59.06 inches.
220 cm equals approximately 86.61 inches.
156 cm is equal to approximately 61.42 inches.
42 cm are equal too 16.54 inches.
42 cm = 16.5354 in FYI: Google "convert 42 cm to inches"
1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54cm So multiply 42 by this and you get 106.68cm
if you are 36 inches tall you are 3 feet tall!
42 centimeters = about 16.5 inches (16.5354331 inches)
It is about 42 inches
150 cm is equal to 59.06 inches.
160 inches equals 406.4 cm
220 cm equals approximately 86.61 inches.
156 cm is equal to approximately 61.42 inches.
33x35x87 cm equals 6,131.97 cubic inches.
164 cm is equivalent to 64.57 inches.