69 is an integer so there is no numerator and denominator to divide!
6.9 = 69/10 in fraction
6.9 as an improper fraction is 69/10
6.9 = 69/10
To divide any number by a fraction, turn the fraction upside down and multiply. e.g. 10 divide 1/3 = 10 x 3/1 = 10 x3 = 30
6.9 as a fraction = 69/106.9 as a fraction = 69/106.9 * 10/10 = 69/10 in fraction
6.9 into a fraction = 69/106.9 = 6.9 * 10/10 = 69/10 in fraction
69 is an integer so there is no numerator and denominator to divide!
69 is an integer, not a fraction.
69 is an integer and not a fraction. One possible equivalent form is 690/10.
6.9 = 69/10 in fraction
6.9 as an improper fraction is 69/10
6 9/10 or 69/10
6.9 = 69/10
It is: 6.9 = 69/10