the least common denominator
The least common multiple of two or more denominators is known as the least common denominator, or LCD.
That's known as the least common denominator.
That's the least common denominator or LCD.
You need at least two denominators to find something in common between them.
Multiplying the denominators together of two or more unlike fractions will get you a common multiple.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! Common denominators and common multiples are like two peas in a pod. They both involve finding numbers that can be divided evenly by two or more denominators or multiples, bringing harmony to your math problems. Just like when you mix your colors on the palette to create a beautiful painting, finding common denominators and multiples helps bring balance to your equations.
Common denominators are common multiples that are being used as denominators.
the common denominator!
a common denominator
This is called the least common denominator.
common denominator
the least common denominator
the least common denominator
That's known as the common denominator.
That's a common denominator.
The least common denominator, or LCD