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8y ago

A kite.

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Q: A shape with four sides and starts with a k?
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What is a four-letter word that starts with k?


What one of four main islands of the Asian country Japan starts with the letter K?

The island that starts with the letter K is Kyushu.

What is a four letter word that starts with the letter k?


A four letter word that starts with a k and ends in a p?

Keep and kelp are four letter words starting with K and ending with P.

Name a four letter word that starts with the letter k?


What is four letter word that starts with k?

Kick, Kate, kite.

What is a four letter name for a boy that starts with k and ends with e?


What logo starts with a k and ends in an a and has four letters?

the furniture store kika

Is there a mathematical word that starts with the letter k?

Yes. Kite is a shape. Shapes are mathimatical terms.

What is a four letter word for a severe hairdo that starts with k and ends with t?


What is a four letter word that starts with k?

Kind, kill, keep, kink, kook