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30 km/h

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30 km pr hour

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Q: Abdul while driving to school computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 kmh On his return trip along the same route there is less traffic and the average speed is 40 kmh The average spee?
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Abdul while driving to school computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 kmh-1 On his return trip along the same route there is less traffic and the average speed is 30 kmh-1 What is the?

If he drives the same route once at 20 km/hr and again at 30 km/hr, then his average speed is 24 km/hr for the time he is driving, i.e. ignoring the time he is in school.

How do you exit if you are driving in lane 1 of a 4 lane freeway?

SAFELY merge into and through the slower lanes of traffic. If you cannot do so before your exit is reached, continue on the next exit by driving in Lane 4 - exit there and then return one exit to your original destination.

When driving when is your point of no return?

When you are not able to stop safely for any instance that may occur. There should never be a point of no return when driving a vehicle.

What is the 'Point of No Return' in regards to a traffic light?

If you are approaching the intersection at speed limit, and the traffic light changes to amber/yellow at 100 feet or less, that's the point of no return. Slamming the brakes will cause you to stop at or near the cross traffic.

What is the average return on a checking account?

average return on a checking account is about 0.1

What are the Average Rate of Return ARR?

Average rate of return = Net Income / Average Assets Average assets = (opening assets - closing assets) / 2

Explain why a characteristic of an efficient market is that investments in that market have zero NPVs?

On average, the only return that is earned is the required return-investors buy assets with returns in excess of the required return (positive NPV), bidding up the price and thus causing the return to fall to the required return (zero NPV); investors sell assets with returns less than the required return (negative NPV), driving the price lower and thus the causing the return to rise to the required return (zero NPV).

What is formula for average rate of return?

Where Equals __RAverage rate of return Rt Return at time t TNumber of time points Where Equals u Average rate of return Ri i-th return n Number of observations Where Equals __RAverage rate of return Rt Return at time t TNumber of time points Where Equals u Average rate of return Ri i-th return n Number of observations

How is expected rate of return calculated from average rate of return on investment and standard deviation?

The expected rate of return is simply the average rate of return. The standard deviation does not directly affect the expected rate of return, only the reliability of that estimate.

Formula for average rate of return?

Average rate of return=Average profit /Initial investment*100% or ARR=Average profit /Average investment*100% or ARR=Total profit /Initial Investment*100%

When will the geometric average return exceed the arithmetic average return for a given set of returns?

Never. The geometric return is always lower than the arithmetic average returns unless the returns for the given set of data are all the same.

What is the average stock market return on a 100 investment?

To know how to determine what the average stock market return is on a $100 investment you have to know what the return rate is and how long the money is being invested.