Since 2.09 is about 2, and 68 is close to 70, you can estimate that 2.09 * 68 is about 2 * 70 = 140. As the exact calculation below shows, this is true.
17 times
It goes: 209/29 = 11 times
648 multiplied by 209 is 135,432.
209 plus 7 times 110 is equal to 979.
209 ÷ 8 = 26.125
24 can go into 209 8.7083333333333333333333333333333 or 8 17/24 times.
11 times 19 = 209
27 times 68 equals 1836.
68 can fit into 5,527 81 times.
68 multiplied by 68 is 4,624.