

Are all triangles regular

Updated: 8/17/2019
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6y ago

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A triangle is only a regular triangle in the form of an equilateral triangle

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6y ago

no it's irregular

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Q: Are all triangles regular
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What do regular triangles look like?

all regular triangles has 60degreeson each angles.

Are the triangles in a geodesic dome regular polygons?

Only if it is a regular tetrahedron, regular octahedron, or regular icosahedron. All other geodesics have isosceles triangle faces, not equilateral triangles.

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The only ones are equilateral triangles, squares and regular hexagons.

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Not necessarily. If all faces are equilateral triangles (all edges are equal length) then it is a regular polyhedron.

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What has all sides and all angles are congruent?

Regular polygons such as squares and equilateral triangles

What shape has 4 faces which are congrugent triangles?

A four faced figure is a tetrahedron. If they are all congruent triangles, they are all equilateral triangles and it is a regular tetrahedron - one of the 5 Platonic Solids.

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Octahedron- A polyhedron with eight faces. All faces of a regular octahedron are congruent, equilateral triangles.

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A regular octahedron.

What is the difference between regular and irregular triangles?

Regular polygons have all equal length sides and irregular polygons do not.

Are all the faces on an ochahedron equal?

yesthey are all regular equilateral triangles.( is a octahedron!)