Fraternal twins can be the same sex or opposite sexes. It doesn't matter.
it was never discovered,its like asking who discovered sex
Assuming no student is intersex, the answer is 3.
Sex-liked means liking sex and sex determined is the resolution to have sex.
It's funny because 69 (as a sexual position) represents a couple doing mutual oral sex at the same time!
Do you mean SECS as in sex or sexual intercourse? Because that sex is between a male and a female were the male inserts his penis into the females virgina and then start going in and out at the opposite time untill an organism is achieved, if you dont use condoms the female could get pregnant. The other secs is short for seconds.They both sound the same. Sex and secs is very different!
No. All identical twins are the same sex. Judith and Hamnet were opposite sexes, and so were fraternal twins.
If two fraternal twins have the XY sex chromosomes, they will be male.
Yes. Conjoined twins are always identical (monozygotic) twins, and identical twins are always the same sex.There is a theoretical case where identical twins could be opposite genders, when the babies are female but in one of the females, a branch of one X chromosome breaks away; however, I don't believe this has ever been observed.
If a boy and a girl are twins, they are known as fraternal twins. Fraternal twins result from the fertilization of two separate eggs by two separate sperm cells, whereas identical twins result from the fertilization of a single egg by a single sperm cell that later splits into two embryos.
Yes, conjoined twins can be different genders if they develop from fertilized eggs that did not fully separate during early development. This rare occurrence is known as dizygotic (fraternal) conjoined twins.
They can be. While identical twins always have to be the same gender, fraternal twins usually are not. However this is not always the case. Identical twins occur because they inhabit the same egg. Fraternal twins because two eggs were fertilized at the same time. So fraternal twins could be the same gender, but usually they are of the opposite gender.
Fraternal twins result from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm. Because of this, they can have different gender combinations such as a boy and a girl. In contrast, identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two embryos, resulting in twins of the same sex.
Twins who are not identical are called fraternal twins. They develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells. Fraternal twins can be of the same or different sexes and share about 50% of their genetic material, like any siblings.
No, 2 sacs and one placenta usually indicates the twins are identical, or monozygotic twins. Fraternal twins, or dizygotic twins, typically have separate placentas as well as separate sacs.
Identical Twins are the result of a single fertilized egg spliting in two producing two genetically identical children. Fraternal twins are the result of the mother producing two eggs each fertilized by a different sperm from the father. This can result in opposite sex twins.
boy, girl and simese twins Siamese twins are now properly called conjoined twins. You can have identical twins[ same sex] , fraternal twins [ one male , one female ]. triplets, same way, quadruplets, quintuplists , sextuplets and so on , with fertility drugs.
There are two types of twins -- monozygotic ("identical") from a single egg, and dizygotic (fraternal) from two eggs. Only dizygotic twins can have a different sex.