No, the decimals 0.002 and 0.2 are not equal. In decimal form, the placement of the digits after the decimal point determines their value. In 0.002, the 2 is in the thousandths place, making it a much smaller value compared to 0.2, where the 2 is in the tenths place. Therefore, 0.002 is equivalent to 2/1000, while 0.2 is equivalent to 2/10, which simplifies to 1/5.
.0002 millimeters
They are decimals that have equal value.
two decimals are equal to 0.9 = 0.90, 0.900
two decimals equal to 0.8 = 0.80, 0.800
two decimals that are equal to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700
there are no such things as equal decimals (at least that is what i think correct me if i am wrong)
decima which is equal to 7.5 = 7.50
No three decimals are equal to all those numbers!