Any whole number can be made into a fraction by placing it over one.
1.I know three examples of fraction. 2. I am really good at fraction. 3. One-half is an example of fraction.
1/5 one fifth
how do u put 56.07 as a fraction
Any number can be put in fraction form
Put it over one.
Any whole number can be made into a fraction by placing it over one.
1.I know three examples of fraction. 2. I am really good at fraction. 3. One-half is an example of fraction.
closet to one first
1/5 one fifth
1 3/8.
one of the faded trees
how do u put 56.07 as a fraction
A rational number is one that can be put into a fraction form.
put it over one hundred and simplify if possible
Put it over 100 (one hundred) and simplify