He believed successful persuasion revolved around tailoring your arguments to: S subject O occasion A audience P purpose
He rated it with Crete and Sparta as having a good constitution.
he thought the earth was the center of the universe and the sun and the planets orbiting the earth. but he was wrong.
It became too simple for all of the types of animals that we have todya
actally... can u guys help me on this one?
Biologists no longer use Aristotle's system for classifying animals because Carolus Linnaeus invented a better system (known as taxonomy) which has replaced the previous Aristotelian system.
I want to answer the question of linux command , what is the meaning of the tip " bad argument "peg" " in linux system ?
They would have been in the Serf class, along with the business people, tavern owners and blacksmiths.
Aristotle developed a system of rhetoric that emphasized the three modes of persuasion: logos (reason), ethos (credibility), and pathos (emotion). He also emphasized the importance of understanding the audience and adapting the message to suit their needs, as well as the importance of using logic and evidence to support arguments.
Aristotle's classification system included three main groups: animals, plants, and minerals. Within each group, organisms were further divided based on their shared characteristics and traits.
In Aristotle's time, people had only first names. They would be called by their first name and sometimes by the place where they grew up. There were a lot less people then and the system worked fine.
if FOTA win the argument then no if the FIA win then probably