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Yes - provided that you accept repeating zeros (for terminating decimals).

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Q: Can e very rational number can be written as a repeating decimal?
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Can a rational number be repeating decimal?

Yes, a rational number can be a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat infinitely. For example, 1/3 is a rational number that can be written as the repeating decimal 0.333...

Can every rational fraction be written as a repeating decimal?

Any rational number is either a repeating decimal, or a terminating decimal.

Can Every rational number can be written as a repeating decimal?

no cuz i said no

What is non terminatin repeating decimal?

A terminating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, repeating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, non-repeating decimal is an irrational number.

Is 8.2 a rational number?

Yes. Any terminating decimal is a rational number. Any repeating decimal also.

Is every rational number a repeating decimal?

No. A rational number is any terminating numeral. A repeating decimal is irrational.

Is a repeating decimal sometimes a rational number?

Repeating decimals are always rational.

-155.23333333. rational or irrational?

This number is rational: If the number is exact as given, without the final period/decimal point, it is rational because it can be written with a finite number of digits. If the number is intended to be indicated as the repeating decimal -155.23333333..., then it is rational because numbers that can be written as repeating decimals are rational; this particular one is the sum of -155.2 - (3/100), which can be written as -15523/100.

Is a repeating decimal rational?

yes, repeating decimals (those that have infinite - never ending - number of digits after the decimal point and these decimals show repeating pattern) are rational numbers, because they can be written as fractions.

How can a decimal be a rational number-?

Rational Numbers are any number that can be written in fraction form .This includes integers, terminating decimals, and repeating decimals as well as fractions. A decimal number can be written in rational numbers depending on the place value of the decimal point.

What type of number is 3.33333?

The number 3.33333 is a rational number, specifically a repeating decimal. It can be expressed as 10/3 in fraction form, which means it can be written as a ratio of two integers. Rational numbers can be written as terminating decimals or repeating decimals, like in this case.

Can a rational number be a repeating decimal or a decimal?
