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Q: Can you make a 3-sided figure have 2 perpendicular lines?
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Does a perpendicular lines have 4 right angles?

Yes, the middle of the figure would make exactly four right angles if there were two lines (rays or line segments) in the figure. By:Donny Heitler

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting lines alike and different?

they both have lines crossing each other which make angles. perpendicular lines make right angles while intersecting lines make other kinds

Which triangle is the only triangle that has perpendicular lines?

The Right Triangle. Perpendicular lines make a right angle.

If two lines are perpendicular they are also parallel?

PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR LINESParallel lines can run side by side on forever but perpendicular lines make a 90 degree angle.

What are lines that cross and make a right angle?

Perpendicular lines.

What Lines make right angles at their intersection?

Perpendicular lines

How are perpendicular lines different to intersecting lines?

Perpendicular lines have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: + Intersecting lines don't have to intersect to make a right angle Like this: X

What do perpendicular angles cross at?

When who lines are perpendicular, this means the lines cross to make 4 90 degree angels.

What are perpendicular lines on a 2d shape?

Lines that form a 90 degree angle at their vertex. Two lines that make a 90 degree are perpendicular.

What way do perpendicular lines travel in?

Lines don't travel. Perpendicular lines are lines that make angles of 90 degrees with each other at the point where they intersect.

Do perpendicular lines have to make a right angle?

Yes they always do! They are not Perpendicular if they don't.

How many right angles do perpendicular lines make?

Perpendicular lines make four 90 degree angles otherwise known as right angles.