There are 2.54 centimeters in an inch. You can multiple or divide accordingly to create a chart or just find the answer.
According to the conversion chart found, 75 inches = 190.5 centimeters.
The area of 42 centimeters times 30 centimeters is 1260 square centimeters. Conversion: The area of 16.53543307 inches times 11.81102362 inches is 195.3004 square inches. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of length or distance".
Conversion rate: 1 centimeter = 0.39 inches. A good online tool for conversions (easy to use) can be found at:
The general formula for conversion of Centimeters to Inches is given as, Centimeters * 0.39 = InchesHence,48.5 Centimeters * 0.39 = 18.915 InchesNo... 2.54cm=1in There are 19.1 inches in 48.5cm
1 inch = 2.54 cm
According to the conversion chart found, 75 inches = 190.5 centimeters.
The area of 42 centimeters times 30 centimeters is 1260 square centimeters. Conversion: The area of 16.53543307 inches times 11.81102362 inches is 195.3004 square inches. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of length or distance".
Assuming you mean 120 centimeters (it most often is a centimeters to inches conversion), it's 47.2440945 inches.
Conversion rate: 1 centimeter = 0.39 inches. A good online tool for conversions (easy to use) can be found at:
12 centimeters are 4.7244094488 inches. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of length or distance".
The general formula for conversion of Centimeters to Inches is given as, Centimeters * 0.39 = InchesHence,48.5 Centimeters * 0.39 = 18.915 InchesNo... 2.54cm=1in There are 19.1 inches in 48.5cm
23 inches is approximately equal to 58.42 centimeters. To convert inches to centimeters, you can use the conversion factor of 1 inch being equal to 2.54 centimeters.
2.54 centimetres = 1 inch.
1 inch = 2.54 cm
45 centimeters is approximately 17.72 inches, and 86 centimeters is approximately 33.86 inches.
238 inches is equivalent to 604.52 centimeters. The conversion factor is that 1 inch is approximately equal to 2.54 centimeters.