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No, plants can make their own sugars by photosynthesis. The purpose of fertilizers is to provide elements such as nitrogen which the plant cannot take in from air or water.

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Q: Do plants need sugar in fertilizers?
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What fertilizers do plants need?

An Acidic like gardenia.

Is mineral salts plants good?

All the plants need fertilizers which are salts.

What is the product of?

Plants can make sugar which is their source of calories but like people, they also need their multivitamins. They get these from their soil which is supposed to be rich in minerals but sometimes, the soil has been used up and the plants can;'t get enough to fix this, people give plants fertilizers to provide nitrogen, phosphorous, and other things the plants need. Its like multivitamins for plants.

Do plants need sugar?

Plants need and produce carbohydrates.

What is fertiliser simple definition?

Fertilizers are inorganic nutrients that plants need to grow.

What is the product of fertilisation?

Plants can make sugar which is their source of calories but like people, they also need their multivitamins. They get these from their soil which is supposed to be rich in minerals but sometimes, the soil has been used up and the plants can;'t get enough to fix this, people give plants fertilizers to provide nitrogen, phosphorous, and other things the plants need. Its like multivitamins for plants.

Are fertilizers good for plants?

Fertilizers are only good for plants if a suitable amount of them are given. Too much fertilizers are harmful too plants too!

Do plants need extra sugar?


How does cost of organic fertilizers available in the market affect the growth of plants?

Although organic fertilizers are costlier than chemical fertilizers, the growth of the plants with organic fertilizers is more harmonious.

Why do you need to feed plants?

Water, sunlight, and sometimes fertilizers. Plants make their own food from water and sunlight and minerals from the ground.

What do plants need molybdenum?

MO is used by plants in the conversion of N into forms that the plant can use. MO is found in hydroponic fertilizers.

What are 3 things plants need to make sugar?

Plants need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to undergo photosynthesis and produce sugar.