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Yes providing that the y intercepts are different but the slopes remain the same.

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9y ago

Absolutely !
Any two lines that have the same slope are parallel.
That little factoid might be very useful in your mathematical development.

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Q: Do slopes with parallel lines make sense?
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What are the two parallel lines that cant intersect?

The question does not make sense. Parallel lines, by definition, do not intersect.

How do you graph parallel and perpendicular lines?

If you want to graph parallel lines, they need to have the same slope (Ex. 2x+2 and 2x+3)- parallel lines cannot have the same y-intercept because the two line would be the same. Perpendicular lines slopes need have to be opposite reciprocals (Ex. -2x+4 and +1/2x+3)- perpendicular lines can have the same y-intercepts, it doesn't make a difference.

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what i think no. metamorphism can't make crystals in parallel lines.

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A regular pentagon has no parallel lines, but you can create an irregular pentagon with one pair of parallel lines if you make a traditional 'house' shape with parallel 'walls'.

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Why do parallel lines always make vertical angles?

Wrong statement. Parallel lines don't always make vertical angles without the transversal, the line that passes through these lines. Without the transversal, we can't make the conclusion that parallel lines form vertical angles.

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On successful railways it has been found that parallel works the best.

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A rectangle is a type of parallelogram. A parallelogram by nature is a geometric shape where two sides are parallel to each other. Parallel lines run in the same direction with the same distance between them for their entire length. If the lines are extended to infinity, the lines will never intersect. A rectangle is composed of two sets of parallel lines. Two parallel lines make up the top and bottom and two parallel lines make up each side.

If two lines are perpendicular they are also parallel?

PARALLEL AND PERPENDICULAR LINESParallel lines can run side by side on forever but perpendicular lines make a 90 degree angle.

Can I make a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides?

no? because in order to be a quadrilateral you need 4 sides. a pair of parallel lines in just 2 lines. parallel lines also never touch.