There are 31 days in March.
March has 31 days and April has 30 days, giving a total of 61 days.
March has 31 days, April has 30 days, May has 31 days and June has 30 days. Together that is a total of 122 days.
March has 31 days and September has 30 days. Add those together and the total is 61 days.
92 days (31 in March, 30 in April, and 31 in May)
There are 31 days in March.
March Days happened on 1918-03-30.
as of March 19 March has 31 days - 19 = 12 April has 30 days = 30 May 12 = 12 12 + 30 + 12 = 54 days
Adding 69 days to March 30 in any year gives June 7.
March has 31 days and April has 30 days, giving a total of 61 days.
March has 31 days, April has 30 days, May has 31 days and June has 30 days. Together that is a total of 122 days.
No, November is not longer than March. November has 30 days and March has 31 days.
Adding 180 days to March 30, 2011 gives September 26, 2011.
Adding 180 days to March 3 gives August 30.
March has 31 days and September has 30 days. Add those together and the total is 61 days.
92 days (31 in March, 30 in April, and 31 in May)
March - 31 days May - 31 days September - 30 days So, there are 92 days in total