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Q: Does a rectangle have 180 degrees rotational symmetry?
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What degree of rotational symmetry does a rectangle have?

It has a degree of 90* * * * *No, it does not. It has 180 degree rotational symmetry.

Have rectangle got rotation?

If you mean "Does it have a rotational symmetry", the answer is "Yes." there is a 180 degree rotational symmetry.

A line has how many rotational symmetry?

A line has 180 degrees rotational symmetry.

Does a pentagon have 180 degrees rotational symmetry?

No - a pentagon has 120 degree rotational symmetry.

Does c have 180 degrees rotational symmetry?

No, it does not.

Is there rotational symmetry in a parallrelogram?

Yes; 180 degrees.

Does a diamond have a rotational symmetry of 180 degrees?


Do a square have a rotational symmetry?

Yes, a square has rotational symmetry. It has rotational symmetry of order 4, which means it can be rotated by 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees to coincide with its original position.

Which quadrilaterals have rotational symmetry?

A parallelogram - including rhombus and rectangle - has 180 degree symmetry. A square has 90 deg.

What are the degrees of a Symmetry?

A two-fold symmetry has a 360 degrees rotation. A three-fold rotational symmetry, on the other hand, has 120 degrees, and on a horizontal axis, a symmetry has 180 degrees.

Does a diamond have rotational symmetry?

yes it does it has all of the degrees......yes,90 degrees,180 degrees, and 270 degrees

Which world flags have rotational symmetry in them?

The world flags of Japan, Bangladesh, Israel, Hong Kong and Switzerland have 180 degrees rotational symmetry in them. USER ID_Playa101